Knight Run Wiki

Hi I would like to propose the possibility of establishing some sort of standards for article content in the wiki. It isn't going to shackle on the actual content but more of the structure so that there would be some kind of standard from every page. I propose the following:


I actually took the liberty (or un-liberty) to make a standard here following what I have seen around the wiki pages. The format would be similar to what I published in the Cosmic Century page:

Short format: | CC 430.01.01

Long format:

dd mmmm yyy | 01 January 430 CC


Similar to Lieutenant General Tinie with sections for:

  1. Infobox - providing an overview of details
  2. Preface - some introduction with the last paragraph stating what episode/chapter would the character appear in/have a role
  3. Appearance (optional) - brief description of character's appearance
  4. Personality (optional) - brief description of character's personality
  5. Background (optional) - detailing character's past whether it was shown in the series or simply narrated
  6. Role - character's role in the Knight Run universe i.e. what did he/she do in the series (but only the ones with the most impact)
  7. Powers and Abilities - overview of character's powers
  8. Quotes (optional) - important stuff that character said
  9. Gallery (optional) - picture overload


Similar to Second Battle of Tobal (lacking pics though) and Battle of Valtia with sections for

  1. Infobox - providing an overview of details
  2. Preface - some introduction with the last paragraph stating from what episode/chapter was this battle covered
  3. Background (optional) - detailing the reasons why the battle happened/events before the battle
  4. Battle - what happened during the battle
  5. Aftermath - overview of what are the consequences/implications of the battle
  6. Quotes (optional) - important stuff that were said regarding/during the battle
  7. Gallery (optional) - picture overload


Similar to AE with sections for:

  1. Infobox - providing an overview of details
  2. Preface - some introduction with the last paragraph stating from what episode/chapter would this be relevant/appears in
  3. History - backstory and actual events from the story that happened involving this org/alliance
  4. Structure - how is the org/alliance managed; what are its institutions and functions


Similar to Tobal with sections for:

  1. Infobox - providing an overview of details
  2. Preface - some introduction with the last paragraph stating what episodes/chapters included this planet as setting
  3. History - backstory and actual events from the story that happened here
  4. Government - how is this planet managed/politics
  5. Military (optional) - defense and security; only if relevant or contributed to the story
  6. Notable locations (optional) - for specific locations within the planet